CISV Pittsburgh offers scholarships for participation in our programs based on financial need.
Scholarships may be requested to cover up to half of the total program cost, including travel.
To help us meet the needs of as many families as possible, we ask families applying for scholarships to request what they need and pay what they are able.
In addition, CISV Pittsburgh is an entirely volunteer-based organization. Therefore, we ask that all families, including those applying for scholarships, contribute time to volunteer roles and activities with CISV Pittsburgh as fully as they are able to.
To complement CISV Pittsburgh Scholarships, CISV USA allows families who receive local scholarships to apply for limited scholarships, given as a rebate. Please contact the CISV Treasurer for information about applying for scholarships from CISV USA:
Download the Scholarship Form.
Please email this form to: CISV Scholarship Chair c/o
Scholarships are approved by the executive committee of the Board of Directors of CISV Pittsburgh.