Chapter Meeting
Everyone is welcome to our monthly chapter meeting! Our Junior Branch will be doing a fun activity with JB youth (parents can participate). Parents are encouraged to attend. We’ll be…
Everyone is welcome to our monthly chapter meeting! Our Junior Branch will be doing a fun activity with JB youth (parents can participate). Parents are encouraged to attend. We’ll be…
THE MAY CHAPTER MEETING IS CANCELED. SEE EVERYONE AT THE MAY 13 BON VOYAGE PICNIC. Everyone is welcome to our monthly chapter meeting! Our Junior Branch will be doing a fun activity with JB youth (parents can participate). Parents are encouraged to attend. We’ll be discussing such things as CISV's international programs, fundraising events, community…
Join us for our annual end-of-the-year potluck picnic! Help say "Bon Voyage!" to our international travelers, meet up with chapter friends, and have fun! CISV Pittsburgh t-shirts, sweatshirts and more will be on sale. All 2023 delegates and their families are encouraged to attend. The event is open to all members. The picnic will be at the home…
Join us for our annual Welcome Back potluck picnic! Help say “Welcome Back” to our delegates, meet up with chapter friends, and learn what the upcoming year has in store. We will debrief both the 2023 delegates and their families. The event is open to all members. The picnic will be at the home of…
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